

65, 到家下已經有65封利是。


根據習俗, 我會舊十五至拆利是。

應該係時候換電話喇。知道我用咩電話既人, 有冇好提議?

放心, d $$ 唔會好耐, 因為我想買錶囉。我想買個隻錶, 好貴呀, 有冇人會sponsor呀?

而其實, 我最想買樓。


拆利是個下, 我覺得好唔環保。係, 我認我怕樹精 and 地球先生有日找我晦氣, 平日已經儘量用/銷紙數量, 但總係好似唔夠咁...有冇人會回收利是封呀?


今日有2個AGENT 話有工介紹。天, 我竟然有猶豫, 我怕坐低無耐又要起身, 係依個時勢, 我得穩最緊要。


可能食得熱氣野多左, 口腔上齶好痛。只能食好mild 既野, 咁...可唔可以當減肥, 但係我家下飲梗啤酒當涼茶...呵呵。


3 則留言:

Betty 說...

Tag U:

20 things I can think of within 5 minutes using my first name's initial.

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Betty

2. A four Letter Word : Best

3. A boy's Name : Bryan

4. A girl's Name : Bessie

5. An occupation : Bartender

6. A color : Brown

7. Something you'll wear : Bra

8. Something you'll do : Bullshit

9. A food : Bread

10. Something found in the bathroom : Baby oil

11. A place : Berlin

12. A reason for being late : Bath

13. Something you'd shout : Better fuck off

14. A movie title : Beauty and the Beast

15. Something you drink : Bloodymary

16. A musical group : Beyond

17. An animal : Bird

18. A street name : Baker street

19. A type of car : Benz

20. The title of a song : Because I love you

聶秀康 說...


JC 說...

3耳, 得鷄碎咁多咋...

btw, 我會努力, thanks~~